For survivors
We exist to support survivors and involved parties who have experienced or are experiencing sexual abuse, physical abuse and intimidation. To help you deal with the consequences that are stopping you from leading a normal life, in relationships and in your mental and physical health. To work through events that you don’t want to, don’t dare to, or are unable to talk about with everyone.
For organizations
We work for and with organizations that want to know more about sexual abuse, related abuse of power, and insecurity.
To be able to act in a safe, healthy and empowering way – physically, mentally and economically.
For professionals
All professionals working in the care and service sectors, in education, or as a trainer, will at some point have to deal with sexual abuse. You will always need to take appropriate action. By anticipating and participating in the correct way, you will avoid making this terrible problem even worse.
Welcome to IONOI Traumasexology
In London , IONOI traumasexology is a place where you are welcomed warmly, where you will be listened to, and where you will find empowerment in everything to do with sexual abuse and the consequences of abuse.
A safe home in:
Professional psychosocial services, specialized physical therapy and a wide range of options for communication/personal development training courses and empowerment programs.
Rogier van Luijk

Trauma sexologist Psychosocial therapist, physical therapist, NLP trainer, writer, Master hypnotherapist, expert in systemic work

I am Rogier van Luijk (1963), founder of IONOI Traumasexology.
In all my work, I work in an atmosphere of safety and trust to promote physical and mental health. Managing Positively in health based on my life philosophy that we are all an essential and real part of this creation. That life loves us, and that we must bear full responsibility for health and happiness.
Sexuality is our source and a foundation for our life in development, functioning at the same time as the spinal cord. Abuse and violence at this level affects everything!
It is my vision on how to deal with sexual abuse in a healthy manner. To teach the pillars of a ‘pure’ sexuality in order to be able to repair the damage done by sexual abuse. And thereby allow sexuality to once again be a solid pillar of health.
Based on the foundations that good health consists of, it is possible to work effectively and efficiently. Sexuality is indisputably a part of this. My work is based on (physical) facts. This way, we reveal a crystal-clear picture of the layers of origins, causes, and effects, and we break through patterns that no longer work or are working too slowly. Working towards concrete actions to achieve lasting results – also in our own effective and efficient professional actions.
Consequences of sexual abuse
Physical complaints
Sexual abuse impacts the body. It is physical violence at the identity level and from the moment of abuse it determines your physical well-being. Your body is no longer in balance but is constantly searching for a natural equilibrium. This often leads to physical complaints whose causes are typically not acknowledged. This can result in lengthy therapeutic and/or medical courses of treatment. In addition to the sky-high costs to society, if there is no accurate diagnosis followed by quick treatment, the victim is the permanent sufferer.
Psychological paraplegia
Sexual abuse results in mental paralysis.
The body never lies, it reacts differently to what is going on in your head.
Dissociated living, focusing on the needs of the other, a malfunctioning self-protection system and a destructive lifestyle, fear and extravagance – these are just a few characteristics of the psychological paraplegia.
Invisible, yet all the more painfully experienced.
The cause of depression can also be part of your identity layer as a result of (unprocessed) traumas. In the Netherlands, 20% of people between 18 and 64 years old suffer from depression (source: Trimbos instituut).
An estimated 1.5 million people, at the least, have been involved with sexual abuse in one form or another. Sexual abuse impacts the identity of an individual and society, as well as economically.
You repeat endlessly things that are not actually productive, just in order to have or find some form of happiness.
If you have experienced sexual abuse, this will lead to a disbalance in context and personal content and result in dependence, often expressed in addictive patterns.
You know that you cannot repress your urge to give in to that which you have become dependent on – physically and/or mentally.
Burn out or bore out, too many or too few stimuli. Not being in balance. Your body reacts and you lose control over your well-being and health.
Existing patterns stop working and no longer produce any results.
You feel totally empty or you react hyperactively.
Stress is a symptom that demands a great deal of attention and care when sexual abuse is involved.
Religion and sexual abuse are painfully and inextricably linked.
In practice, clergymen continue to commit sexual abuse, physically and mentally, in the name of the mystery of religion or faith.
Every religion houses perpetrators and victims within itself and the lifelong damage inflicted is destructive for everyone – for victims, the clergy and their institutes, followers and society.
It is a fundamental duty that all believers and non-believers restore an unconditional right to live to victims of sexual violence within religious communities, in a respectful and honorable manner, and that everybody takes, gives and receives the full responsibility for this. Perpetrators too must meet their obligations. Without any secrets, without looking the other way. Precisely due to the source of every religion.
'We offer innovative and inspiring programs for victims, partners and professionals.''
Every individual needs safety.
Safety is one of the basic conditions for our health and for us to be able to feel healthy, to develop and to live in a healthy manner.
Human beings are created through sexuality, connection pur sang. Safety in sexuality creates positive possibilities and stimulates growth and development. Safety in health is more than just an absence of germs, physical and/or mental, or being insured. Safety is a value and a skill. Sexuality is a value and a skill that must therefore always be present when it comes to health and healthy starting values. For everybody.

''Did you know that one in three persons in this country has suffered sexual abuse? So don’t look the other way, it touches us all....''
What can we do for you?
IONOI Traumasexology offers an active workplace where sexual abuse, injustices and other forms of lack of safety are restored to their original place and value. Creating safe and secure environmental factors and self-confidence.
IONOI Traumasexology means gaining control over the complexity of sexuality and sexual abuse and violence.
It means that we put the focus on the experiences and individual worlds of clients and professionals.
Expertise in trauma sexuality, psychodrama, psychosocial therapy, family constellations, a contextual approach, physical therapy, and communicative techniques form the professional bases from which we work and offer our services.
Because we are independent, we are able to specify bottlenecks, indicate possible solutions, as well as actively work on achieving lasting improvements for all our clients.
''Every individual has the right to a space in which to live; and to be able to move freely between his or her memories and the future is a prerequisite for this.''
Every year we organize various training courses and workshops.
If you want to know more, click the button below.
We are looking for people to fill out our questionnaires. You fill them out for yourself. But also for others. All individual scores are stored anonymously to help us identify trends. We analyze the answers. We continue looking to verify their accuracy. We want to get closer to the truth about the damage, the effects, the consequences and the coping with sexual abuse.
We want to know this, and we will keep you updated if you want.
We are affiliated with:
Finally something to hold on to in my misuse (anonymous, December 2107, Holtenbroek)
Very radical lecture, confronting and hopeful. (anonymous; December 2017, Holtenbroek lecture) EMPLOYEE TRAVERSERS
"Great to learn how to play and share language, and that communication has taken on so much more meaning!"
"Teambuilding in cooperation with a cooking workshop, learning how to cook and eat in a very tasty and healthy way and learning how to communicate and listen to body, mind and business potential through healthy eating: a must!
"After a powerful, pleasant and highly efficient process at IONOI, the core and goals of our company have become even clearer and more decisive.
"We can warmly recommend IONOI. The enthusiastic style of working really appeals to us. IONOI is personal in its approach, professional and involved. The results give us insight and direction." VSS NETHERLANDS