It is very important to work together on the problem of sexual abuse on the basis of the same principles. In order to keep terminology pure and to continue to refer to its origins. Abuse starts at the root and never take what is not your own.

Thanks to Peter John Schouten's many years of pioneering work, I can, in connection with his developed terminology and skills and in my own uniqueness, contribute to the seemingly impossible recovery from the consequences of sexual abuse.

In the Netherlands, Belgium and in the United Kingdom by 2020.

Trauma sexology

Trauma sexology is the science that explores the connection between a shocking experience and sexuality. This connection is made with the sexual abuse of a child. This has serious (after) effects on the inner structure of a child. The effects of this influence the development and can later be observed in adulthood. Trauma sexology describes both the effects of the shocking event and the sexual and physical damage that occurs in the state of shock. The research into and knowledge about these connections between these two and the possibilities of loosening these connections are the main objective of our work. All our activities are aimed at researching and healing these effects. To this end, we disseminate our current knowledge about trauma sexology and we are committed to embedding this knowledge in care and assistance.


Trauma sexuality and psychological spinal cord injury are the consequences of sexual abuse. These concepts are comprehensive and at the same time profoundly simple. In the books 'Trauma sexuality' and 'Trauma sexology and Psychodrama'* by Peter John Schouten these concepts are described. They are the starting points of all our activities.

*Published at the end of 2019.