IONOI uses psychodrama to transform the unchosen acquired trauma sexual identity into your own authentic identity. Thoughts, methods and models now find their way to Trauma Sexology. Continuing scientific research on how the paradoxical connection between sexual abuse/violence and sexuality works and can be dissolved.
What is Psychodrama?
Psychodrama is an integrative psychotherapy, with psychodynamic, systemic and existentialist foundations. Psychodrama engages participants holistically, paying attention to behaviour, thoughts, emotion and the body. It uses creative action methods with groups and individuals. It is a method with applications beyond the field of psychotherapy, in education, training, community-building and conflict transformation.
Psychodrama was developed by Psychiatrist Jacob L. Moreno, MD in the early twentieth century and was the first recognised form of group psychotherapy. It is now practiced in many countries.
An important methodology for IONOI and the participants of the Trauma Sexology Foundation is the use of applied (practical) role analysis in sexual abuse situations to identify the source of current dilemmas in the origin of sexuality, because this is where the paradoxical connection between sexuality and sexual abuse begins. Our methodology is to process this split and to start practicing up-to-date and functional ways of being authentic.
The body is indispensable. All the memory of the trauma is stored in the body and the body shows this always. The skill is to learn to understand what the body is telling you, the body never lies.