IONOI Traumasexology
A physical location where you can get to work in a safe and enthusiastic manner.
We offer professional psychological help and services in cases of sexual abuse and other forms of unsafety. To both victims and involved professionals.
IONOI Traumasexology is a professional service-oriented organization that offers you professional help, information and education. A unique physical location where you can get to work in a safe and enthusiastic manner. A safe home for victims of sexual abuse and professionals who work with people. IONOI Traumasexology gives individual advice and help in this area to everyone who asks for it. You can visit us and see us in person, but we will also speak to you on the telephone.
We collaborate with several professional parties and experienced professionals, with whom we can give the appropriate support in different areas. We listen, advise, inform, support and, if necessary, refer.
You can approach us if you are:
A survivor of sexual abuse, intimidation, ill-treatment or other unsafe and traumatic situations.
A professional who wants to raise his/her awareness of the damage caused by sexual abuse and wants to learn to understand, repair and prevent it. This is essential if you are working with people in your professional capacity.
Organization / Company
An organization/company that strives for healthy, safe and lasting relationships within the organization. Including religious organizations. That wants to be able to deal with victims within the organization and to prevent undesirable sexual behavior. That wants to communicate based on the identity of the organization concerning sexual abuse/intimidation.
Need for a space
The need for a space where you can rediscover your self-esteem, respect and the meaning of sexuality in a social, religious and non-religious, and professional setting within the dynamics of the ‘scorched earth’ that is the consequence of sexual abuse.
Our vision
Sexuality is the prerequisite and origin for maintaining our existence, which is why it must be protected – both individually and society-wide. Irrespective of religion or belief.
Indisputably. Main root and life’s nerve. Every individual has the right to a space in which to live, and a prerequisite for this is being free to move between his or her memories and the pleasure in the future. All forms of sexual abuse restrict the essential freedom of movement and form a barrier to healthy human development.
Abuse, misunderstandings, denials and ignorance about sexuality therefore lead to damage in the functioning of our general development, health and economy.
Many individual, social and economic inequalities are the result of ignorance, incomprehension, maintaining a taboo on sexual abuse, and inexpert treatment and unequal communication. This often happens unconsciously with relation to sexuality. Especially because we just haven’t learned to bring it out of the taboo area. Sexual abuse and ill-treatment are unfortunately not individual problems but topical and active social problems.
The consequences of sexual abuse, the resultant psychological paraplegia, and the feeling of unsafety can, among other things, be:
- Identity problems.
- Addictions.
- Aggression.
- Criminality.
- Inability to work.
- Chronic care dependence.
- Stress syndromes
Knowledge about and insights into sexuality, related abuses, including abuses of power and therefore specific and general communicative and interactive skills, are inextricably linked with a healthy development and maintenance of the human race. We must revise and re-calibrate our world view and actions in the field of sexuality.
IONOI Traumasexology occupies an independent position and we use this to identify bottlenecks, and suggest possible solutions, as well as actively work to achieve improvements for our clients. We listen to our clients in such a way that they can structure their feelings and re-discover their self-esteem and resilience. We seek collaborations to ensure that no more victims of sexual abuse will be made.
Our mission
Our mission is to stop sexual abuse. So through education and training, sexuality is provided a fundamental individual and social and health-determining value.
We want to provide people with a safe haven to grow in life through expertise, knowledge, understanding and insight into sexuality. To share the fundamental importance of sexuality in our lives. To show how to act in the case of sexual abuse and the resultant trauma sexuality. Our mission is to have this fundamental knowledge included in the basic knowledge and actions of raising children, education and care provision. With the aim of enabling every individual to experience a healthy sexual development. And thus to drastically reduce and/or prevent the devastating personal, social and economic damage caused by abuse, ignorance and denial.
We are convinced that repairing the damage caused by sexual abuse is still possible. Our goal is then to make sure that this group of people that have experienced this are seen, heard and supported. For as long as it is necessary. For the benefit of the free focus on health and happiness.
You can always contact us by phone, WhatsApp or via text message.
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 17.00
Flat 9
4 Hortensia Road
SW10 0FU
London UK
T: 0044 (0)7935170166