Victims of sexual abuse are now limited in recovery in times of necessary corona measures. And that's nobody's fault!

Recovery is not about what may not have been secret for the time being, but where, in principle, the point at which recovery is initiated remains unseen and unexplored. Sexual abuse must be seen in order to be recovered. And not only by one person but also socially and therapeutically certainly must continue to be seen.

Everything now necessarily looks at corona, a virus as "perpetrator" that can be deadly but is not just one person or is a person anyway. In any case, the virus touches on the same fear that a victim of sexual abuse has to live with as long as recovery has not taken place. The fear of death can last for life and sometimes leads to suicide. In any case, the fear of death knows the addiction (in numerous variants) to the anaesthesia of this pain and fear.

The virus splits, the body knows and does not yet have a good defense. This requires a vaccine for which medical science is working very hard to develop an antibody to rid the virus perpetrator of its potentially lethal power. So that the body - and the mind - can recover healthy again.

Trauma, a division into what was whole. Trauma is an act of external origin.If you cut your finger, the skin is broken, split, what one wax is (temporarily) broken. You may have done this yourself (accidentally or intentionally) or someone else. Perpetrator, perpetrator, decisiveness. It comes from somewhere.

Corona belongs to no one, it originated somewhere but that remains guessing. Nobody has a patent on it. That makes a difference!

A trauma caused by another knows perpetrator. If you experience a trauma where more than your skin is cut, then the wound is deeper. It also touches your mind, the deeper emotion. And carves your memory to be able to react more alertly, more vigilantly, more effectively, more efficiently the next time. Both body and mind.Pain is therefore a twisted good signal, it alarms that the continuity is broken, threatens to be broken or has been broken. Repetition creates and experiences patterns and templates. Preventive and necessary for the progress of our own growth and development.

If too much happens at the same time, the system is paralysed. A car accident causes a traffic jam, things stand still. Paralysed.

The same thing happens in our bodies, just in our own bodies, I'd say. The body was there before the car was invented.

Sexual trauma and viral infection with the perpetrator:

When you go through sexual trauma as a child, the world turns upside down. Trauma, what was whole is destroyed by someone else. With a perpetrator identity and not as an unaddressable virus with only a chemical code.

Important : Sex goes on when it's not yet ripe to go “on". Your own NO is not mature yet and is rudely ignored by someone else and often even more condoned and tasted, adapted to the wishes and lusts of the other. The NO goes out, freezes.

Of course, in our bed lies sexuality, it's natural, our gender can even be seen in the womb and nowadays as a parent you can pay attention to the boy or girl that will be born after 9 months. Nine months is the natural speed of our human development. It is a natural identity.

But the fact that sexuality is our bedding doesn't mean we have a fiat to directly activate the sexual functionality and associated emotions.

If you have a trauma in this layer of life, you are looking for the solution for life. The presence of the perpetrator is 'killing'.

HOW do I ever get back to myself, WHY am I? The perpetrator is inside you without you realizing it.

Like a virus, it nests in the host and can't survive otherwise.

Were it not for the fact that the virus does not know the identification of the perpetrator of sexual abuse but is only a virus that can thrive through the presence of a host/lady. 

The perpetrator of sexual abuse can also thrive without a host, it involves a different kind of exchange of processes and a different identity definition.

Identity questions that arise as a result of sexual abuse are so complex, confusing and mysterious because another person has been in his or her power to make a choice for 'you' and has never undone that choice and worse: the choice has been made a secret!  Also a difference with a virus like corona. 

Someone who has very deep pain knows in the origin of this pain it is too much, too big for one moment to contain stimuli, that screams without sound, without words for help. But in language it often doesn't sound like a request for help. Because language is missing.

If you are a person involved in something you have not seen or heard, or were not allowed to see or hear, HOW do you pay attention to that silent cry of the victim? This is also different from corona. Corona's different. There's some kind of language and symptom on it. So what is the connection between being a victim of sexual violence and a (corona) virus?

(so not the victim of the corona virus!)

Corona makes victims, everyone is a potential victim. Sexual abuse knows selection and there is no randomness. Not even if you happen to cross the road and place of the perpetrator at the wrong time. An offender plans his or her actions. A corona virus also but is not the choice of the infected, for now "we" = all people look at "the virus" and no one is liable.


The power is to pay attention to the one who screams so inaudibly, not the perpetrator of the sexual assault. Even without overwhelming the other person as a victim with their own well-intentioned advice, the need to offer help, but to be and remain there in a way in which a choice can arise where it was once robbed from the victim. Do not steal the victim's choice again without being aware of it. It's about getting the internalized perpetrator out of the victim's body and mind like a virus. He does this on his own and not through medication but absolutely not alone. As a victim, you don't pull that. Medication can be an added means to eventually regain full authentic control = choices. Recovery is also not a treatment but an intensive professional support.

Victims of (sexual) violence are extremely vulnerable right now.

All attention is focused on social health, prevention and therefore serves all of us. That is good, must and is necessary to create a new continuity of society together (!).

But this attention to the outside world is a crucially different moment in the recovery of sexual violence. Because the virus comes from the outside in, the recovery of sexual violence goes from the inside out.

Precisely this so-called contradiction outside/inside-outside ensures an internal confirmation of the sexual violence perpetrator virus that the host (the victim) could not stay alive without this paradoxical virus. Because this is caused by the dependency of the perpetrator on a sexual level of life, it causes victims to think (and subconsciously do) like the perpetrator and this always has a defensive reaction of the body and mind of the victim and makes them either sick or addicted (= also infinitely hard work with all the social compliments of that!) or burn out or paralyzed (many variations) and so on.

Because corona MUST have an outside-inward approach, this can cause the trauma-sexual identity of a victim to get stuck even further into the complexity of their own disturbed identity that needs to be restored from the inside out.

As if there really is no place for who you really are and it never seems to get lost.

It could lead to fatal thoughts, beliefs and (suicidal) actions and where does this eventually lead to ?Individually, socially, economically?

As a society we are facing a huge challenge. There are many sexual abuse/violence victims and perpetrators m/f.

Also involved with and in this coronal crisis, because nobody is and will be excepted.

I plead for intensive cooperation based on everyone's authentic talent (professionalism) in order to create optimally healthy conditions both inside and outside, conditions leading to a unified behaviour in each unique identity. 

Corona is not in and the perpetrator of the abuse has to get out.

Abuse rapes the lust of one's own life. There are many sexual abuse/violence victims and perpetrators m/f.

Corona is not in and the perpetrator of the abuse has to get out.