For survivors
We offer survivors in all our possibilities of choice always peace, time, space and safety:
- Psychosocial therapy
- Psychodrama
- Theme groups (men or women) Trauma sexuality
- Theme groups (mixed) Trauma sexuality
- Partner and stakeholders meetings
- Relationship therapy
- Psychosocial panorama program
- NLP coaching
- Buddy possibilities
- Resilience of training
- family constellations
Methodologies from:
Transactional analysis NLP family constellations EMDR Master Hypnotherapy Specialist Physiotherapy
For organizations
All forms of organizations can take specific information, guidance and awareness workshops and Empowerment projects:
- Interactive information lectures; awareness and recognition of sexual abuse and abuse, domestic violence.
- Workshops empowering education and sexual abuse
- Workshops religion and sexual abuse
- Workshops empowering health care and sexual abuse
- Workshops on sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace
- Lectures, presentations and workshops on safety and sexuality
- Empowerment meetings leadership and power
- Day presidency in the context of security and sexuality
For professionals
Every professional working with people – in whatever context – we recommend a form of personal, job-related training in knowledge and skills regarding what and how to act in case of (potential) sexual abuse, abuse and violence.
- Sexual abuse module – recognising and recognising sexuality, participating in the approach/anticipating in sexual abuse
- Motivational conversation and mindset management
- modules NLP practitioner and master communication, language, mind space, personal development
- Transactional Analysis training
- Systemic working workshops and trainings
- MPower your skills’ program on theme sexual abuse
- MPower Mind Space (ask for info)