
Traumasexuality test

As a result of sexual abuse you may become traumasexual and suffer from a psychic paraplegia.

Test Traumasexuality

You are about to fill in the questionnaire about trauma sexuality.
This list concerns sexual injury and addresses the question can I consider myself as traumasexual?

Please read the following text carefully. You need to be aware of what you are undertaking with this test.
This is a serious matter.

This test is about the damage caused by sexual abuse. By calculating the score of the answers to the questions, you can determine if you have the characteristics of someone who could call himself traumasexual.

In this questionnaire, thirty years of experience in helping male clients with sexual trauma have been processed. The complaints, problems and life themes that all these men struggle with are the same. The discovery that there are many similarities between these men led to two concepts. These are the psychic/mental paraplegia and traumasexuality. This questionnaire tests whether you are traumasexual. There is another questionnaire to determine your level of mental paraplegia. By completing the test, you can determine whether you belong to the group of men who have suffered sexual abuse and who suffer from the three distinctive consequences of such damage. You can name yourself traumasexual if you score above average on these three specific sexual core themes.

These are the dual battle in your sexual needs, the active victimism: the tendency to actively invite or recreate the victim role (the repetition of sexual trauma) and the painful struggle associated with it and the inner fight around sexual- and / or gender identity.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to help you get grips with and increase your awareness of the damage you may sufferd. You may find filling in this questionnaire challenging. The intention is that it helps you in the process of healing.

Additional Explanation Traumasexuality
Men who are sexually abused as boys do not usually have a smooth journey in their sexual life. They often suffer from their own sexuality. There are many similarities between all these men. When they talk about their sexual life, similar themes emerge. They have the same complaints, the same life themes and dilemmas. There are a number of core sexual themes in which many variations can be perceived.

  • Chronic confusion about their sexual identity
  • Questions about their masculinity / own male body
  • Questions about sexual roles male / female
  • Sexual behavior patterns with addictive elements
  • No control over their own sexual behavior
  • Tendency towards self-obliteration through sex or submitting to the power of another person.

I discovered that these subjects are connected with each other. It is a very particular of expression of sexuality. It is a form of sexuality that is influenced by sexual experiences in childhood that have caused a shock or trauma in the body. It has yo do with the blending / merging of the sexuality of someone else who has penetrated you and your own sexuality. This creates contradictory feelings and it is difficult to separate what is your own and what belongs to the other.

I started to call this form of sexuality, traumasexuality and this is usually immediately accepted as a label. The term offers a way of understanding what you are suffering from.

Characteristics of traumasexuality
The perpetrator and his act are present in the sexual drives of someone who is traumasexual. Traumasex means: acting between your own sexuality and that of the perpetrator. The sexuality of the perpetrator has been invaded from outside by sexual contact at an early age. The individual sexuality that develops from within during puberty may sometimes exist in part. This can lead to a form of sexuality in which its own desire is contaminated by the earlier traumatic sexual experience. The other extreme also exists happily: the person’s own sexuality is predominant. There are many points on this continuum line from self to perpetrator sexuality. If this point is exactly in between, this causes apathetic sexuality.

In summary:
Trauma sexuality has three main characteristics: These are the two-way sexual needs, the active victimization (in many ways, both self or of others): the recurrence of sexual trauma and the painful struggle associated with it and the inner fight around sexual and / or gender identity.
